Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I survived my first dentist appt!!!

Jarrin was such a good boy and we had no problems what so ever. His teeth are perfect and he was a great patient. When we got home he asked if we could go again tomorrow. Silly boy!! Thanks Aunt Molly and Dr. L for making it a good experience. Good job little man!!


gina marie said...

Yay! You did it! Way to go big guy!

Becca said...
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Brianna said...

He looks so excited! I love his smile! and no cavities?? Way to go, Jarrin! (and way to go, Becca too! I think we all know it's usually up to the mom to make sure the teeth get brushed) :)

CASSIE said...

What a good boy!! I love little boys like yours!

Molly Scarbrough said...

he was my best patient I think EVER. Smiling the whole time. I loved it.

jilliann said...

what a big man! he is the cutest thing Becca! Good job on the perfect teeth, impressive =)