Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Jarrin's version:

Twinkle star
What you are?
Way up high
Dinasar (Dinosaur) in the sky.

I have sung this one to him since he was a baby but he just barely started singing it back to me.

One day after we came home from church Jarrin kept singing "Popcorn in my eyes." i asked what he was singing and he said popcorn pauing way ober der ober der. he was pointing to the trees on the side of our house. He had just learned popcorn popping on the apricot tree. He makes me laugh. Last sunday he justlearned the clean up song or just started singing it. He now sings rain rain go away. I love my little guy. He loves to sing "twinkle star" to Mason if he starts crying. What a sweet big brother.


Anonymous said...

that's so cute. it's funny to hear how jumbled words can get :)

jilliann said...

adorable! seriously I can only imagine how much fun life with your two cuties must be.

Molly Scarbrough said...

you can thank me for all those wonderful songs. :)